Posted By Shayne Pattie,
04/07/2024 10:00 AM
This blog series will be where I discuss sections from my book ‘My Eclectic Human Body’ to demonstrate how mental health is more than just the mind. Psychologists and other health professionals have recently begun revisiting a more holistic approach to psychology and mental health. The term Holistic Health has many interpretations, however, I will be using this term to describe various ideas that directly and indirectly improve a person's mental health. Sleep – our brain operates with five...
Common Myths and Misconceptions About Autism Diagnosis
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
25/06/2024 11:00 AM
In Australia, like in most developed nations, the understanding and awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have improved over the years. However, this isn't to say that myths and misconceptions about this condition have disappeared. Understanding the contemporary issues, debates, and state-of-practice in ASD diagnosis and aims for intervention provides a context in which we can accomplish the unchanging goal of diagnosing kids who need it and providing them with evidence-based, effective...
What Are Schema Modes
Posted By ,
28/02/2024 09:00 AM
Schema Therapy was developed by Jeffrey Young to assist treatment resistant clients and those with long-standing disorders. Schemas, as defined by Young are: wide-ranging and persistent patterns or themes encompassing memories, emotions, cognitions, and bodily sensations concerning ourselves and our relationship with others originating in childhood or adolescence embellished throughout our life and substantially dysfunctional. When in emotional distress, because early...
The Mind is the Body – Part 2 – Tai Chi and Mental Health
Posted By Shayne Pattie,
02/02/2024 14:00 PM
This blog series will be where I discuss sections from my book ‘My Eclectic Human Body’ to demonstrate how mental health is more than just the mind. When working in my first psychology job, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to complete Teacher training in Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health program. The program discussed the benefits of Tai Chi, how to be an Effective Teacher, Safety and Risk assessment, their Stepwise Progressive Teaching Method, Tai Chi Principles and many...
Understanding Mental Health: Insights from a Psychologist's Perspective
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
24/01/2024 10:40 AM
Let me break it down a little more. Mental health is defined as the aspect of overall health that includes emotional well-being, the ability to live a full and creative life, and the flexibility to deal with life’s inevitable challenges. So, why should we all care about mental health? Let me remind you all again, that mental health is separate from a mental health disorder. When I refer to mental health throughout this article, I do not mean disorders such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar....
Posted By ,
10/01/2024 17:00 PM
SILENCING THE “MONKEY CHATTER” Remember the “monkey chatter” in our mind? The inner critic that often plays a significant role in our life. Getting curious about and recognising which inner critic, the perfectionist, the guilt-tripper, or taskmaster to name a few, lives inside your mind was the first step in silencing the “monkey chatter”. So, what do we do now? Well, I’m glad you asked! WE TAKE NOTICE Taking notice of when you are being self-critical is fundamental....
Charting the Course to Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Psychologist's Roadmap
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
23/11/2023 10:00 AM
Introduction Embarking on the journey toward an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis can be likened to navigating a labyrinthine path, loaded with intricate twists and nuances. For us psychologists, wielding a deep-seated grasp of the diagnostic trail becomes our paramount tool to ensure preciseness in our conclusions and aptitude in therapeutic measures. In this exploration, we dissect the integral slices of ASD assessment, spotlighting exemplary protocols and reflective thoughts key...
Journeying Towards Better Mental Health: The Guiding Hand of a Psychologist
Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
21/11/2023 14:00 PM
Introduction: A Personal Reflection on Mental Health As someone who has navigated the ups and downs of mental health, I understand its complexities. It's not just a medical term; it's about how we cope with life's challenges. In this article, I want to share insights into how a psychologist can be a beacon of hope in this journey. Mental Health: More Than Just a Diagnosis Mental health is a deeply personal aspect of our lives. It's about how we feel, think, and interact...
The Mind is the Body
Posted By Shayne Pattie,
15/11/2023 11:00 AM
Part 1. Body Systems I have a want, almost a need to understand the human body. As a psychologist in Townsville, I regularly share my professional experiences and knowledge to help other people improve the understanding of their own mind and body. This blog series will be where I discuss sections from my book ‘My Eclectic Human Body’ to demonstrate how mental health is more than just the mind. There are approximately 11 different body systems that all interact with each other. This...
Posted By ,
17/10/2023 17:00 PM
Too Much Monkey Chatter Business You may have heard our internal monologue described as the “monkey chatter” in your mind, that endless loop of negative judgement we place on every thought, actions and perceived wrong turn we make. In psychological terms we refer to this internal monologue as the “inner critic”. Being able to recognise your inner critic is the first step in stopping the monkey chatter. Getting curious about which of these critics directs your life is key. Do...