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What a psychologist wants you to know before starting therapy

Posted By Christina Rains,
11/02/2025 14:00 PM
Therapists are there to embrace the whole you! The good, bad, ugly, kind, messy, silly, sad and happy. Many clients may commence therapy with the thought of wanting to be ‘fixed’ or to find and learn strategies to make the discomfort and pain in our lives go away. Especially if they have been struggling with pain from trauma, grief, a break up or any major upheaval in our life causing stress and overwhelm. Our natural tendency will just want the feelings associated with these circumstances to...

Breaking Barriers: The Benefits of Telehealth with Breakfree Psychology Services

Posted By Sophie Bitters,
07/02/2025 16:00 PM
At Breakfree Psychology Services, we believe mental health care should be accessible, flexible, and tailored to your unique needs. That’s why we’ve embraced telehealth—a powerful tool that brings high-quality psychological support right to your fingertips. Telehealth is transforming how we deliver care, empowering individuals to seek help in a way that fits seamlessly into their lives. Here’s why online psychology services might be the right choice for you: 1. Convenience at Your...

Confident Parent: Building a Thriving Family

Posted By Brittney Bogotto,
17/01/2025 11:00 AM
Parenting is one of life’s greatest adventures—and most challenging. Each day brings new questions, uncertainties, and opportunities to shape the lives of little humans in profound ways. Feeling confident in your parenting abilities can often feel like a moving target. But don’t worry—there are practical strategies to help you embrace the journey with greater ease and purpose. Here are five key points to help you nurture a thriving family in today’s fast-paced world.  1. The Myth of the...

Dopamine Burnout and the Digital Connection

Posted By Christina Rains,
28/11/2024 10:00 AM
Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling your phone? Is every second of your spare time seen as an opportunity to be stimulated either through entering the Tik Tok video reel vortex, scrolling Instagram/Facebook, swiping through tinder, bingeing on a Netflix or stan series, online gambling or e-shopping. On top of this do you feel like you’re living in a perpetual state of exhaustion, along with energy depletion. Are you devoid of motivation to do the things you feel you should and need to be do...

The Psychology of Holiday Traditions

Posted By Brittney Bogotto,
25/11/2024 14:00 PM
As the holiday season arrives, we often find ourselves immersed in familiar rituals—decorating, gathering, and celebrating in ways that connect us to family, community, and culture. These traditions do more than evoke warm memories as they have a profound impact on our mental health. For many, traditions offer a sense of stability and joy. For others, they may come with challenges, such as stress or grief. The good news? You can reshape or create new traditions to better enjoy the holiday...

The Mind is the Body – Part 4 – Holistic Health and Mental Health part 3

Posted By Shayne Pattie,
28/10/2024 10:50 AM
This blog series will be where I discuss sections from my book ‘My Eclectic Human Body’ to demonstrate how mental health is more than just the mind. Many people know that Yoga and Mental Health work well together, but any exercise, if appropriate can be used to improve mental health. Previously I ran a Mindfulness Pilates group when I worked in the NGO (Non-Government Organisation) sector. What is Pilates Joseph Pilates introduced the world to his method of training (in the 1930’s) that...

Pop Psychology

Posted By Christina Rains,
24/09/2024 15:00 PM
Popular Psychology or Pop Psychology has come to the forefront due to the upcoming fame acquired by consultants, authors, lecturers and entertainers who have provided insights and knowledge to the general public about human behaviour and mental health. Because of this, many psychological and clinical terms that have been utilised by professionals have now become popularised language amongst the masses. This movement has been great to help people understand aspects of themselves, others and...

Is Your Child Having Challenges in School? The NEPSY-II Could Provide Answers.

Posted By Brittney Bogotto,
20/09/2024 13:00 PM
As parents, it’s hard to see your child struggle in school—especially when you know they have the potential to do so much more. Whether your child is struggling to stay focused, having trouble retaining information, or facing difficulties with behaviour and social interactions, these issues can impact not only their academic performance but also their overall well-being. Fortunately, the Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment Second Edition (NEPSY-II) offers a comprehensive and...

Marathon Couples Counselling: A Deep Dive into Intensive Therapy for Relationships

Posted By Elizabeth Pincott,
05/09/2024 10:00 AM
It can be hard to carve out space for personal relationships in our fast-paced world. Yet, when couples run into serious difficulties, the old standbys of weekly counselling sessions and time apart may not be enough. Remedies like these tend to act more on the surface of problems than on their deeper, often hidden, roots. So, let's now consider an alternative that may be unfamiliar to some and that certainly is not as well endorsed as traditional couples counselling. It's called "marathon...

The Mind is the Body – Part 4 – Holistic Health and Mental Health part 2

Posted By Shayne Pattie,
04/07/2024 10:00 AM
This blog series will be where I discuss sections from my book ‘My Eclectic Human Body’ to demonstrate how mental health is more than just the mind. Psychologists and other health professionals have recently begun revisiting a more holistic approach to psychology and mental health. The term Holistic Health has many interpretations, however, I will be using this term to describe various ideas that directly and indirectly improve a person's mental health. Light and Melatonin – One of the main...